
Hi! I'm James Khamthung

I'm a Data Engineer & Software Engineer based in Los Angeles, California. I aim to make a difference through my creative solution.

Let's Connect!



Highly qualified and driven Data Engineer with over 7 years of experience in the software engineering field. Experienced in data modeling, Cloud data warehouse, data lake, data pipeline. Also, exposed to the execution of large datasets and the extraction of valuable insights, in addition to working with machine learning to ease the decision making for various projects.

Work Experience

Data Engineer II - Glidewell | Irvine, California

  • Collaborates with Data Analyst and other stakeholders to identify and analyze requirements, relation between various data sets, and document data engineer’s needs.
  • Creates, and design data pipeline for ETL process using AWS including scheduling and notification, Also maintain/monitoring existing process to keep all analysis reports running.
  • Creates, debugs and optimizes stored procedures, views, and functions on ETL/ELT packages using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Pentaho and other open-source programs.
  • Manages data lakes and partitioning big data using pyspark/hadoop for data science team’s ML projects.
  • 2021- present

    Data Engineer - PartnerPeople, LLC | Costa Mesa, California

  • Designed and built data processing pipelines using tools and frameworks in the Hadoop ecosystem. Also created ETL pipelines to automate ingestion of structured and unstructured data, in addition to frameworks/prototypes that integrated big data and advanced analysis.
  • Directly managed the creation of a Cloud data warehouse to maintain ETL workflow and facilitate data analysis.
  • Work directly with the web team, redesigning data models for data analysis to increase efficiency, Building the customized data visualize dashboard on the web interface and Tableau/Periscope.
  • 2017 - 2020

    Software Engineer | Mobile App Developer - PartnerPeople, LLC | Costa Mesa, California

  • Oversought the developing and submission of over 10 apps to Apple store and Play Store, including the development of hardware prototype for Mobile App communication via bluetooth 4.0. Managed teams that focused on the testing of applications and handling coding errors related to the app.
  • Maintained all existing ETL workflows, data management and data query components
  • 2013 - 2017

    Additional Experience

    Microcontroller Researcher - Innovative Experiment Co., Ltd | Bangkok, Thailand

    Successfully created an automatic security photo capture using cell phone camera and IR sensor. Also, a hardware manual editor for graphical programming language in Arduino and POP-MCU module


    Software Developer - SpotOn International Group | Bangkok, Thailand

    Developed multi-touch screen software for “Beartai Hitech” TV show using C# and WPF. Created usb reader module features, test and deployed application.



    Certificate, Machine Learning - MIT Professional Education

    Online program that takes a look at machine learning through a lens of practical application, designed and developed by turning what is unknown into what’s known, and that could lead to better decisions making and outcomes.


    Certificate, Data Analytics and Visualization - USC Viterbi Graduate and Professional Programs

    Intensive program focused on gaining technical programming skills in Excel, VBA, Python, R, JavaScript, SQL Databases, Tableau, Big Data, and Machine Learning.


    B.Eng., Computer Engineering - King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

    4-years graduate Engineering Degree, including several fields of computer science and electronic engineering to develop computer hardware and software with additional background on AI and Robot design.

    2009 - 2012


    Data Analysis

    Excel, VBA, Python, R, Pandas, Tableau, Periscope


    MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra

    Web Visualization

    HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, Bootstraps, JavaScript, D3, Leaflet, Flask, Django

    Cloud Data Warehouse

    AWS, Google Cloud, Apache Airflow

    Big Data

    Spark, Hadoop, MapReduce

    Machine Learning

    SKlearn, TensorFlow, Keras, Deep Learning

    Mobile App Development

    Objective-C, Swift, Java, Android Studio, Eclipse, Xcode

    Embedded System

    C, Verilog, FPGA, Arduino


    Solid works, Photoshop, After Effects, Sketch


    My Recently Works

    Data Warehouse


    ETL pipeline for a database hosted on Redshift. starting from setting up AWS service and load data from S3 to staging tables on Redshift then execute SQL statements to create analytics tables

    Technologies used: AWS, S3, Redshift, Python, Json, Jupyter Notebook

    View Project

    Machine Learning

    Tweet Analyzer

    Web application to analyze the text and the picture by machine learning model before a user makes a tweet with sentimental, image classification and facial emotion recognition. Core Responsibilities: Facial emotion machine learning model and its application.

    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScripts, MySQL, SQLAlchemy, Flask, Machine Learning

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    Data Analysis and Visualization

    Latitude Analysis

    Python script to visualize the weather of 500+ cities across the world of varying distance from the equator and to prove what is the weather like as we approach the equator.

    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Python, Matplotlib, Json, Jupyter Notebook

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    Data Analysis and Visualization

    Belly Button Biodiversity

    An interactive dashboard to explore Belly Button Diversity dataset.

    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScripts, SQLite, Flask

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    Data Analysis and Visualization

    Earthquake Data Visualization

    Visualization of a real time massive earthquake data from United States Geological Survey (USGS).

    Technology used: HTML, CSS, JavaScripts, Leaflet, MapBox

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    Data Analysis and Visualization

    Uber Ride Analysis

    Analyze complete recordset of rides containing information about every active driver and historic ride, including details like city, driver count, individual fares, and city type.

    Technology used: Python, Matplotlib

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